Issue Information Issue Information
pp. i - vi | DOI: Abstract Keywords: | |
Original Articles Teachers' Curriculum Literacy and Curriculum Fidelity: Differences According to Certain Variables
Şükriye Gürbüz & Halime Şenay Şen pp. 1 - 23 | DOI: Abstract This study aimed to investigate the curriculum literacy and fidelity of teachers in terms of gender, the field of teaching, faculty type, duration of service, the school levels (primary, secondary, high school) and their relationship. The survey model was used in the research, which is a descriptive study. The participants were 449 teachers at state schools of the Ministry of National Education in Turkey. While choosing the study group, the school levels and different teaching fields were determined as the main criteria. As a result of the study, teachers' curriculum literacy and curriculum fidelity were found to be high. While the curriculum literacy levels of the teachers do not change according to their gender, female teachers' curriculum fidelity is higher. Curriculum literacy levels of teachers who graduated from the Faculty of Education are higher than teachers who graduated from other faculties. As the experience of the teachers increases, their curriculum fidelity decreases, while their curriculum literacy does not differ according to their duration of service. The teachers’ curriculum literacy and curriculum fidelity do not differ according to the grade they teach. Finally, it was concluded that there is a positive relationship between teachers' curriculum literacy and curriculum fidelity. Keywords: Curriculum, Curriculum literacy, Curriculum fidelity | |
Original Articles Teaching Practicum: A Study Exploring Student-Teachers’ Experiences during the Pandemic
Huey Leı pp. 24 - 37 | DOI: Abstract Teaching practice is an essential component of teacher training programmes. It enables student-teachers (both pre-service and in-service teachers) to apply theoretical knowledge in education into real practices in authentic contexts. In particular, novices view practicum as a unique opportunity to experience classroom teaching and learning. Mentors assigned by schools and university supervisors play an important role in facilitating student-teachers’ teaching and learning during practicum. This study investigates two student-teachers’ practicum experience at a time when the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic was influencing school operation. The changed mode of practicum was studied and post-practicum interviews conducted to gather information regarding the experience and supervision of the school practicum and the challenges faced during the pandemic. Transcripts of the semi-structured interviews were analysed and triangulated, using these documents and video-recorded lessons. The findings of the study reveal importance of individualised teaching practice components comprising means of observation and communication between student-teachers and supervisors during the pandemic. Keywords: Practicum, online learning, teacher training, education during pandemic | |
Original Articles Taking the lid off in-service teacher education in Turkey: Voices from stakeholders
Tuğba Şimşek Rackelmann, Ali Ceyhun Müftüoğlu & Burcu Turhan pp. 38 - 53 | DOI: Abstract This study aimed at investigating in-service teacher education in Turkey by comparing the Ministry of National Education’s regulations on in-service education to the perspectives of multiple stakeholders: teachers, school managers, and a local in-service education director. This goal was achieved by delving into regulations on in-service education of teachers in Turkey, checking whether the regulations were put into practice and what the stakeholders’ views were about the current practices. The results revealed that the regulations reflected an ideal in-service education for teachers; however, the satisfaction level of the stakeholders decreased as we moved from the local director to the teachers. The overall findings imply that in order to realize the regulations’ goals, teachers’ needs should be identified first, practices should be organized for each branch separately, the seminars should be planned for small groups and different school levels, and the evaluation processes should certainly be implemented after the in-service practices. Keywords: in-service teacher education, in-service teachers, English language teachers | |
Original Articles Examination of Conceptual Understandings Among Prospective Science Teachers on Electrolytic Conductivity Using Predict-Observe-Explain Implications
Hatice Güngör Seyhan & Gülseda Eyceyurt Türk pp. 54 - 72 | DOI: Abstract The aim of this study is to determine the effect of the Predict-Observe-Explain technique conducted within the scope of argumentation-supported learning on the conceptual understanding of prospective science teachers on "Electrolytic conductivity". Based on this main purpose action research in practice-based was applied in the study. It was observed that prospective science teachers often constructed non-scientific arguments and had difficulty in justifying many of their arguments before the implications. After the implications, it was observed that the prospective science teachers had the targeted arguments and were able to write grounds and rebuttal in the categories of completely/partially correct to their arguments. Keywords: Argumentation-supported learning, chemistry-II course, electrolytic conductivity, predict-observe-explain technique, prospective science teachers | |
Original Articles Challenges faced by newly-hired teachers at Modern Languages Department of Middle East Technical University
Gizem Yılmazel pp. 73 - 85 | DOI: Abstract The study was conducted at the Modern Languages Department of Middle East Technical University and aimed to investigate newly-hired teachers’ expectations, experiences, and challenges in the new workplace. Excluding the researcher, there were six newly-hired English teachers to offer Academic English courses to students who study at various departments and they participated in this very study. The data were collected by means of interviews with teachers. The collected data were analyzed through thematic analysis. The results showed that the teachers had classroom management, courses, environment, school administration, and workload-related expectations. Their experiences are categorized under themes of classroom management and courses, environment, school administration, and workload. The challenges faced by the teachers were related to classroom, environment, materials, and workload. Keywords: Newly-hired teachers, Higher education, challenges |