Volume 5 Issue 3 (September 2014)
Original Articles Teacher and School-Related Factors that Promote Achievement Differences among Students with Lower Socioeconomic Status


pp. 1 - 11


The present study investigated factors related to school and teacher that could discriminate low-achieving disadvantaged and high-able (resilient) disadvantaged students, among which there is a large achievement difference. To this end, a discriminant analysis was conducted to check whether some selected teacher- and schoolrelated factors from PISA 2012 could discriminate low-achievers and resilient students, both disadvantaged. Twentytwo items from 5 dimensions data set were included: Student-Teacher Relations (5 items), Sense of Belonging (9 items), Attitude towards Learning at School (4 items) and Attitude toward School (4 items). Results indicated that some items could be able to achievement differences between low-achievers and resilient students. The findings of the present may provide significant information as to increase rate of resilient students.

Keywords: student achievement, resilient students, discriminating socio-economic status

Original Articles The periodical research on the experiences of the college students with ADHD: A mixed study


pp. 11 - 23


To explore the content of the papers on the experiences of college students with ADHD and its implications as a mixed study, complementing recent related studies as there have not been any review of the research in response to concerns about small number of studies in this field in the light of North’s New Institutional Theory. The sample consisted of 88 papers in this field based on the Web of Knowledge and other databases. Results: There were 36 papers on the adjustment, 11 papers on the career development, 8 papers on the personality, 6 papers each on the identity management, learning behavior, and relationships of these students. There were also 15 papers in other 8 topical areas. These papers provided a context for the stimulation of the future research in these dynamic areas with a focus on the under-researched areas for the key stakeholders.

Keywords: ADHD, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorders, reviews, scientometric analysis, college students, experiences.