Volume 5 Issue 1 (March 2014)
Original Articles Investigating The Effect Of Nature Of Science Activities On Pre-Service Science Teachers’ Critical Thinking Skills

Ercan ARI & Nurcan KAHRAMAN

pp. 1 - 12


This study aims to investigate how nature of science activities affects pre-service science teachers’ critical thinking skills. The participants of this study are 62 pre service science teachers; 47 of which are girls and 15 are boys. Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ), developed by Pintrich, Garcia, and McKeachie (1991), was used to assess students’ critical thinking skills for both pre-test and post-test. Real Fossils, Real Science, Tangram, Flojiston, The Tube, The Cans were activities that used in the present study to discuss nature of science. During the discussions, pre-service science teachers were encouraged about to dwell on the common misconceptions about the nature of science. A one- way within-subjects ANOVA test was conducted to compare pre-test and posttest results about students’ critical thinking skills. According to the results, there was a significant difference between pre-test and post-test. In other words, the results suggested that the nature of science activities is effective to improve pre-service science teachers’ critical thinking skills. 

Keywords: Nature of Science, Critical Thinking, Activities

Original Articles Factors Affectıng Academıc Performance In Efl Context: A Modelıng Study


pp. 13 - 23


The increasing demands to learn a foreign language, especially English, encourages researchers to analyze the dynamics of foreign language learning. The purpose of this research is to determine whether the relationship between motivational orientations, basic psychological needs, and academic performance in English class can be modeled. The research group consists of 603 students, attending various grades in a state high school. As data collection tools, Attitude Motivation Test Battery (AMTB) and Basic Needs Satisfaction in General (BNSG) were administered. Data were analyzed via SPSS 17.0 and AMOS 21.0 software program through Structural Equation Model. Results indicate that academic performance in the English course is merely affected by autonomy and attitude, which are among the components of motivational orientation and basic psychological needs. In addition, competence and interest in foreign languages are the remote determiners of academic performance. 

Keywords: motivational orientations, basic psychological needs, academic achievement.