Original Articles Burnout Experience among Public Universities of Amhara Regional State, Ethiopia
Abraham Kebede Wolde & Mebrat Wondim pp. 1 - 18 Abstract Burnout is a psychological syndrome, stemming as a response to chronic interpersonal jobs stressor, characterized by three principal dimensions: Emotional Exhaustion, depersonalization and personal accomplishment. The purpose of this study was to assess burnout experience among Public Universities of Amhara Regional State. For this purpose a sample of 298 teachers properly returned the questionnaire from 384 distributed questionnaires. This study employed multistage cluster and simple random sampling techniques to select the required participants. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used for data analysis techniques. Findings indicated that majority of teachers in public universities were experiencing high level of burnout. The overall burnout dimensions prevalence rate was 55.05%, 67.8% and 65.1% for EE, DP and PA, respectively. There was no statistically significant difference in the three dimensions of burnout as function of working experience and educational status of teachers. In addition statistical significant differences were not observed in teacher’s level of EE and DP as a function of working university and class in credit hour. One way ANOVA also revealed that statistical significant difference were observed in teacher’s level of PA as a function of working university and class in credit hour. Co relational analysis indicated that there was no statistical significant relationship between demographic variables (age and monthly salary) and the level of the three dimensions of burnout. In conclusion, teachers had developed high level of burnout in the study area. Therefore, early intervention shall be taken. Keywords: Burnout, Emotional Exhaustion, Depersonalization and Personal Accomplishment | |
Original Articles Why centralize teacher professional development? Limitations of centralized teacher professional development based on a review of TALIS 2013 results of South Korea
Ju Hur pp. 19 - 30 Abstract It is well known that teachers are the core for improving quality of education, and many countries and international organizations are emphasizing teacher profession development. Teacher professional development has positive influence on students’ academic achievement, school effectiveness, and hence many countries are implementing policies to promote teacher quality. On the one hand, centralized teacher professional development, because it is direct, relative to educational policy at central level, and sometimes obligated, could contribute to effective teacher development. On the other hand; however, because centralized system neglects what teachers want and need at the school level, centralized teachers professional development has limitations. The purpose of this study is to identify the limitations of centralized teacher professional development through an analysis of OECD TALIS 2013 results of South Korea. While South Korea is known for strong teaching force, it is also identified to have a centralized teacher professional development system, and this may be deduced to centralized teacher professional development could result in strong teaching force. However, the analytical review of TALIS 2013 results show that while Korean teachers’ participation in various professional development activities is high, their perceptions on the activities are negative (i.e., perceive as administrative tasks and very little impact on improving teaching and learning). In addition, Korean teachers’ self-efficacy was found the lowest among the TALIS participating countries, which could be an indication that professional development is not functioning. Based on the findings, this study suggests first, governments need to re-think their top-down teacher professional development policies; second, teachers need to be more active in their professional development, meaning that teachers need to perceive professional development as their right not as obligation; and finally, a balanced approach is needed, that is a centralized and school-based, in teacher profession development. Keywords: teacher professional development, teacher policy, TALIS 2013 | |
Original Articles Assessing the Efficiency of Public Universities Colleges of Education in the promotion of Quality Education in Ghana through DEA-SBM
Sulemana Iddrisu, Abubakari Sadick Mohammed, Oswin Aganda Anaba & Hira Salah Ud Din Khan pp. 31 - 10 Abstract As efficiency plays a pivotal role in the realization of quality education and teacher training institutions are the lifeblood of quality teachers, the present study presents the results of an efficiency study of some selected Ghanaian public universities colleges of education in the three Northern Regions of Ghana from 2012-2017. Through the use of Slack Based Model of Data Envelope Analysis and a model of CCR, our results indicate that Tamale College of Education and Tumu were the only efficient colleges out of the four selected colleges in the study domain. While Bagabaga College of Education and St. John BOSCO was the inefficient colleges during the study period of 2012 – 2017. The results also suggested that by adopting the best managerial practices, the Colleges can, on an average, reduce their inputs by at least 2.2% and still produce at the same level of outputs. According to the slack-based results, only two Colleges that is, Bagabaga College of Education and St. John BOSCO were inefficient and needed adjustment in inputs and outputs to become efficient. Keywords: collages of education; data envelope analysis; slack-based model; efficiency | |
Slamet Suyanto, Heru Nurcahyo & Ixora Mercuriani Ixora pp. 41 - 53 Abstract Abstract. Suyanto, Slamet et all., 2018. The development of teacher and lecturers in Indonesia follows two main programs: academic and professional. The academic program is a 4-year bachelor program (S-1) and master (S-2) program. The profession program is a 4-year bachelor program (S-1) followed by 1-year Teacher Professional Program (PPG). Both programs must develop Technological knowledge (TK), Pedagogical Knowledge (PK), and Content Knowledge (CK). This survey research was aimed at measuring the TK, PK, and CK the student of those programs. The subjects were 75 people, including 25 S-1 students, 25 PPG students, and 25 S-2 students. The instrument was objective tests. The data were analyzed using descriptive and analysis of variance statistic. The results indicated that the TK profile of S1, PPG, and S-2 was 70.57, 71.40, and 72.44 in a 100 scale. The profile of PK was 68.73, 74.33, and 73.84. The profile of CK was 69.07, 69.67, and 72.40. There was a significant difference on CK between S1 and S2 students, but no difference on CK between S-1 and PPG students. There was a significant difference on PK and CK profiles between S-1 and PPG students; but there was no difference on CK between S-1 and PPG students. Therefore, PPG was developing more on PK, but not on CK. For magister program, it should provide students more with field experience on schooling. Keywords: tpack, content knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, technological knowledge, biology teacher | |
Original Articles Emotional self- efficacy amongsenior secondary school students: An Exploratory Study of Kashmir
Nimisha Beri & Aadil Mohd Akhoon pp. 54 - 65 Abstract The present study was conducted to find the level of Emotional self-efficacy among senior secondary school students. Emotional self-efficacy is known as individual’s faith about their capacity to categorize and accomplish courses of action necessary to achieve desired outcomes. In order to obtain accurate and relevant data descriptive survey method and stratified random sampling technique was used in the present study. The sample size of the study was 202 senior secondary school students from Baramulla district of Kashmir. In order to collect data for the study scale on Emotional self-efficacy by Dr. Nimisha Beri and Manisha Jain (2015) was used. The objective of the study was to analyze the level of emotional self –efficacy and to find the differences in emotional self-efficacy with respect to gender and type of school. The results of the study revealed that maximum students are having average level of Emotional self-efficacy, no difference was found in Emotional self-efficacy among male and female senior secondary school students but government and private senior secondary school students differed significantly in emotional self-efficacy. Keywords: Emotional self-efficacy, Secondary School Students, Kashmir, Exploratory | |
Original Articles Motivational Orientations and Performance in Science: A Study on University Students in Bangladesh
S. M. Ferdous Azam, Khondaker Sazzadul Karim & Jacquline Tham pp. 66 - 78 Abstract This study investigated the university students’ motivation and performance in integrated science. A sample of 1316 students from public and private universities in Bangladesh participated in the study. Of the sample, 619 were male students and 697 were female students and their average age was 21.4 years. The motivation instrument used was the science motivation questionnaire that is consisted of 30 items. Results show that this group of students displayed a high level of intrinsic motivation, personal relevance, self-determination, extrinsic motivation and self-efficacy and a moderate level of test anxiety in learning science. The results also demonstrate significant differences in motivational orientations towards science concerning gender. Furthermore, correlation analyses show that there were significant positive associations between students’ motivational orientations and science achievement. Keywords: Achievement, Combined science, Motivation, University students | |
Original Articles Teacher Educators' Perception and Practices of Differentiated Instruction in Ethiopian Secondary Teacher Education
Abrham Desta pp. 79 - 93 Abstract Educators have agreed that learners in any classroom are typified by a wide variety of individual differences. To accomodate these differences, teachers are supposed to use differentiated instruction. However, the adaptation of curriculum and instruction to the diversity of these students often undertaken with difficulty and teachers are using a "one-size-fits-all" instructional approach. This may be a result of failure of teacher education programs to expose trainee teachers to differentiated instruction through classroom teaching and modeling. The main purpose of this research was therefore to investigate teacher educators' perception and practices of differentiated instruction in Ethiopian secondary teacher education. To this end, a qualitative case study method was employed. Data were analyzed thematically and the findings revealed that though majority of the participants were familiar with the concept differentiated instruction, its application is a mystry to many of them. They were not actively engaged in implementing differentiated instruction. Keywords: Diversity, Differentiated instruction, learning profile, modeling |