Volume 1 Issue 2 (March 2010)
Original Articles Freshman and Senior Pre-service Mathematics Teachers’ Attitudes Toward Teaching Profession

Davut KÖĞCE, Mehmet AYDIN & Cemalettin YILDIZ

pp. 2 - 18


The aim of this study is to compare the attitudes of freshman and senior pre-service teachers pursuing an undergraduate degree in an elementary mathematics education program toward teaching profession and to reveal the kind of relationship that exists between these attitudes. Case study method was used in the study. As a data collecting tool, A 5-point likert type questionnaire was used. The data of the study were obtained by conducting this questionnaire to total 212 pre-service teachers (141 freshmen, 71 seniors) studying at Karadeniz Technical University, Fatih Faculty of Education during 2008-2009 school year. After the answers of the pre-service teachers to questionnaire form were scored, the obtained data were analyzed using independent samples t-test and one-way ANOVA. As a result of the study, it was concluded that the attitudes of freshmen and senior pre-service teachers toward teaching profession showed statistically significant difference in terms of several variables favoring senior pre-service teachers. Based on the results of the study, several recommendations were made. 

Keywords: attitudes, pre-service mathematics teachers, teaching profession

Original Articles An investigation of the relationships between achievement goals, self-deception, and submissive behavior

Ahmet AKIN

pp. 19 - 27


The aim of this study is to examine the relationships between achievement goals, selfdeception, and submissive behavior. Participants were 412 university students from Sakarya University, Turkey. 2X2 Achievement Goal Orientations Scale, Self-deception Subscale of Two Dimensional Social Desirability Scale, and Submissive Acts Scale were used as measures. Results showed that learning-approach goals related positively and performance-avoidance goals negatively to self-deception. Also learning-avoidance and performance-approach/avoidance goals associated positively with submissive behavior. Results from structural equation modeling showed that the model fitted well (χ2 = 2.45, p = .293, GFI = 1.00, AGFI = .99, CFI = 1.00, NFI = .99, RFI = .95, IFI = 1.00, and RMSEA = .021). The model delineated that self-deception was predicted positively by learning-approach and negatively by performance-avoidance goals. On the other hand, learningavoidance and performance-approach/avoidance goals predicted submissive behavior positively.

Keywords: Achievement goals, self-deception, submissive behavior, structural equation modeling

Original Articles Case Study on Interdisciplinary Teaching Approach Supported by Project Based Learning

Melek DEMİREL & Yelkin Diker COŞKUN

pp. 28 - 53


The aim of this study was to investigate an application of interdisciplinary teaching approach. It was a case study that supported by combination of qualitative and quantitative methods. Thirty-four 10th grade students who were attending a private school in Ankara were asked to develop projects in the line of interdisciplinary approach. To detect the effectiveness of this approach, a logical thinking skills test (GALT) was administered as pre-post test single-group experimental design fashion. To learn about students’, teachers’, and parents’ ideas about the application, two interviews (before and after the application) were conducted. In addition, a questionnaire about interdisciplinary teaching approach was administered to all teachers at the school (N=36). The results obtained from pre-post test scores of students revealed that there was a significant difference in favour of the application. The interview data showed that teachers, students and parents had positive thoughts about the process. All of them agreed that interdisciplinary projects contributed to development of the ability of making connections between previously learned concepts, transferring what has been learned, and using the computer effectively as well as development of problem-solving, logical thinking, and communication skills.

Keywords: Interdisciplinary teaching, project based learning, logical thinking skills

Original Articles Application of Task Analysis Method to Physics Laboratory Experiments


pp. 54 - 60


The importance of lab studies is especially evident for science courses such as physics where abstract concepts are frequently used. The fact that the students comprehend the experiments better, and that they are better organized while doing the experiment will ensure that they will be more interested in the laboratory and thus in the topic. For this reason, it is likewise important to develop new techniques to use in lab activities. Guidelines for laboratories are of great help for students in comprehending and performing the experiment. It is an important necessity that the guidelines should frequently be renewed and that adjustments should be made to meet the changing needs of students. In this study, task analysis method is covered to be used in experiment guidelines. In this method, the steps to be followed by the student are provided on a diagram, and through cycles, missing or forgotten steps, if there are any, are determined. Thus, the students can see the whole of the experiment with all of its steps with the help of the diagram, and by relating it on the diagram; they will be able to understand What they do, and Why they do it

Keywords: physics experiments, task analysis method, laboratory studies, physics education

Original Articles Capturing Educational Change in Conceptual Metaphors. Implications for Teacher Education


pp. 61 - 69


Since the 1990s Poland has launched major changes into its socio-political and educational systems. Our goal is to investigate the impact this may have had upon learners’ and teachers’ educational concepts. Employing guidelines offered by Conceptual Metaphor Theory (CMT), data were collected from English as a foreign language (EFL) teachers and learners and classified according to coherence patterns. The data from both groups reveal a dynamic character of the concepts in question. The stage of ontogenetic development (i.e. time of entering the learning/teaching system) influences the static/dynamic character of educational metaphors. This questions validity of claims treating metaphors as static signs rather than dynamic sign-processes. Via an inductive approach to CMT, one can capture conceptual changes within individuals, whether learners or teachers, which may serve teacher education. 

Keywords: conceptual metaphor, educational discourse, data-driven approach