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International Journal of Research in Teacher Education 2019, Vol. 10(1) 79-93

Teacher Educators' Perception and Practices of Differentiated Instruction in Ethiopian Secondary Teacher Education

Abrham Desta

pp. 79 - 93

Publish Date: March 15, 2019  |   Single/Total View: 370/1.101   |   Single/Total Download: 525/2.170


Educators have agreed that learners in any classroom are typified by a wide variety of individual differences. To accomodate these differences, teachers are supposed to use differentiated instruction. However, the adaptation of curriculum and instruction to the diversity of these students often undertaken with difficulty and teachers are using a "one-size-fits-all" instructional approach. This may be a result of failure of teacher education programs to expose trainee teachers to differentiated instruction through classroom teaching and modeling. The main purpose of this research was therefore to investigate teacher educators' perception and practices of differentiated instruction in Ethiopian secondary teacher education. To this end, a qualitative case study method was employed. Data were analyzed thematically and the findings revealed that though majority of the participants were familiar with the concept differentiated instruction, its application is a mystry to many of them. They were not actively engaged in implementing differentiated instruction.

Keywords: Diversity, Differentiated instruction, learning profile, modeling

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APA 7th edition
Desta, A. (2019). Teacher Educators' Perception and Practices of Differentiated Instruction in Ethiopian Secondary Teacher Education. International Journal of Research in Teacher Education, 10(1), 79-93.

Desta, A. (2019). Teacher Educators' Perception and Practices of Differentiated Instruction in Ethiopian Secondary Teacher Education. International Journal of Research in Teacher Education, 10(1), pp. 79-93.

Chicago 16th edition
Desta, Abrham (2019). "Teacher Educators' Perception and Practices of Differentiated Instruction in Ethiopian Secondary Teacher Education". International Journal of Research in Teacher Education 10 (1):79-93.

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