Original article | International Journal of Research in Teacher Education 2023, Vol. 14(1) 73-85
Gizem Yılmazel
pp. 73 - 85 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijrte.2023.523.5 | Manu. Number: MANU-2208-17-0002
Published online: March 29, 2023 | Number of Views: 161 | Number of Download: 499
The study was conducted at the Modern Languages Department of Middle East Technical University and aimed to investigate newly-hired teachers’ expectations, experiences, and challenges in the new workplace. Excluding the researcher, there were six newly-hired English teachers to offer Academic English courses to students who study at various departments and they participated in this very study. The data were collected by means of interviews with teachers. The collected data were analyzed through thematic analysis. The results showed that the teachers had classroom management, courses, environment, school administration, and workload-related expectations. Their experiences are categorized under themes of classroom management and courses, environment, school administration, and workload. The challenges faced by the teachers were related to classroom, environment, materials, and workload.
Keywords: Newly-hired teachers, Higher education, challenges
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