Research article    |    Open Access
International Journal of Research in Teacher Education 2021, Vol. 12(1) 24-32

The Impact of Differentiated Instructions on the Motivation of Gifted Student: A Study about Age and Gender Differences

Mohd Fadzil bin Kamarudina, Mohd Hasrul bin Kamarulzamanb, Mohd Saifun Aznin bin Mohd Sharifb, Mior Muhamad Saiful Nizan Saalib, Muhammad Zaim Esratib

pp. 24 - 32

Publish Date: March 29, 2021  |   Single/Total View: 89/520   |   Single/Total Download: 108/1.017


The purpose of this paper is to find the impact of differentiated instruction on the motivation of gifted students in Mathematics at Kolej PERMATApintar® Negara based on age and gender differences.
The differentiated instruction method has been applied in teaching and learning system since the establishment of PERMATApintar National Gifted Center (PpNGC) around year 2011. A survey was conducted on 235 gifted students aged 11 to 17 years old. It consists of 13 questions that examine the level of satisfaction of students towards teaching and learning mathematics at Kolej PERMATApintar® Negara. There were four parts of learning profile that have been studied, namely teacher support, learning activities, sharing ideas and educational environment. All of the data were statistically analyzed using SPSS software to measure student's satisfaction according to age and gender. The result suggests that differentiated instruction method give a positive impact on the motivation of gifted student and male students to be more motivated than female students during mathematics class. Beside that there are significant differences between motivation of male and female students against several elements in learning profile of differentiated instruction method. In addition, the age of the student also has a positive relationship with some elements of the differentiated instruction method. Differentiated instruction is the pedagogical response to what the gifted students need in the classrooms. The elements of differentiated instruction provide great opportunity for gifted students to explore any areas of knowledge especially in mathematics based on their needs. The study summarizes some of the elements in the differentiated instruction method that influence the level of student's motivation in mathematics. Beside that some improvements can be made to all the activities during teaching and learning session in mathematics classes.

Keywords: Differentiated instruction, motivation, age, gender, gifted student

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APA 7th edition
Kamarudina, M.F.b., Kamarulzamanb, M.H.b., Sharifb, M.S.A.b.M., Saalib, M.M.S.N., & Esratib, M.Z. (2021). The Impact of Differentiated Instructions on the Motivation of Gifted Student: A Study about Age and Gender Differences. International Journal of Research in Teacher Education, 12(1), 24-32.

Kamarudina, M., Kamarulzamanb, M., Sharifb, M., Saalib, M. and Esratib, M. (2021). The Impact of Differentiated Instructions on the Motivation of Gifted Student: A Study about Age and Gender Differences. International Journal of Research in Teacher Education, 12(1), pp. 24-32.

Chicago 16th edition
Kamarudina, Mohd Fadzil bin, Mohd Hasrul bin Kamarulzamanb, Mohd Saifun Aznin bin Mohd Sharifb, Mior Muhamad Saiful Nizan Saalib and Muhammad Zaim Esratib (2021). "The Impact of Differentiated Instructions on the Motivation of Gifted Student: A Study about Age and Gender Differences". International Journal of Research in Teacher Education 12 (1):24-32.