Original article | International Journal of Research in Teacher Education 2023, Vol. 14(3) 56-68
Zafer Güney, Yiğit Ege Güney & Seray Topçu
pp. 56 - 68 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijrte.2023.598.05 | Manu. Number: MANU-2308-31-0006
Published online: September 27, 2023 | Number of Views: 46 | Number of Download: 258
The purpose of this research is to develop a valid and reliable scale of emotional intelligence dimensions. Before starting the scale development process, a comprehensive item pool was designed for the scale items by reviewing the literature in the first stage. In the second stage, content validity was examined by field experts' evaluations of the items. The scale prepared with 18 items was applied to the study group consisting of 358 people and validity and reliability analyses were conducted. The data collected in the study were analysed with Amos 22 and SPSS 20 application programs. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA), confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and reliability analyses were conducted for the construct validity analysis of the EIDS and reported.
Within the scope of EFA analysis, Kaiser- Meyer-Olkin (KMO) coefficient 0.839 (p = .000) and Bartlett's Test of Sphericity was significant at p< .01. As a result of the EFA analysis, it was determined that the scale, which was transformed into 14 items, had a structure consisting of three sub-factors explained as adaptation to the environment, managing emotions and problem solving. These factors were found to explain 59.71% of the total variance. As a result of the item analysis phase carried out to reveal the discrimination levels of the items prepared for the EIDS, it was seen that the difference between the items was significant at p< .01 level. Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficient was found to be 0.875 for the EIDS prepared in the study. With CFA, the scale consisting of 10 statements with 3 sub-dimensions can be called valid and reliable.
Keywords: Emotional intelligence dimensions, problem solving, scale development.
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