Original article    |    Open Access
International Journal of Research in Teacher Education 2021, Vol. 12(3) 53-64

Animation and Symbol editing with Macromedia Flash

Klonis C. Apostolos

pp. 53 - 64

Publish Date: September 30, 2021  |   Single/Total View: 39/524   |   Single/Total Download: 43/907


This paper presents a didactic scenario for the creation of a multimedia application combining image and movement, which is intended for the course "Informatics Applications" of the Vocational High School. This is a two-hour scenario that introduces the student to the creation of a multimedia application, mobilizing the interest for the specific activity, since with simple and fast steps it leads him to the creation of his first animation. The first hour is dedicated to the general mobilization of the student and the discovery of the basic concepts and techniques, while the second leads him to the acquaintance with the environment of "Macromedia Flash 8.0" and the creation of the first animation. The development and structure of the teaching scenario is based on the standard of level B training for IT teachers.

Keywords: animation, image, motion, symbols

How to Cite this Article?

APA 7th edition
Apostolos, K.C. (2021). Animation and Symbol editing with Macromedia Flash. International Journal of Research in Teacher Education, 12(3), 53-64.

Apostolos, K. (2021). Animation and Symbol editing with Macromedia Flash. International Journal of Research in Teacher Education, 12(3), pp. 53-64.

Chicago 16th edition
Apostolos, Klonis C. (2021). "Animation and Symbol editing with Macromedia Flash". International Journal of Research in Teacher Education 12 (3):53-64.


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