Original article | International Journal of Research in Teacher Education 2021, Vol. 12(2) 36-52
Mahla Nazari, Zahra Zohoorian, Akram Faravani
pp. 36 - 52 | Manu. Number: ijrte.2021.011
Published online: June 29, 2021 | Number of Views: 226 | Number of Download: 623
Teacher quality is considered as a focal factor in the development of every educational society and language teaching education is not an exception. The present study was an attempt to investigate the patterns of classroom management and teacher empowerment among successful English language teachers to prepare a framework of guidance for novice or less successful teachers. Employing a mixed method, the researchers collected data from a number of 546 students and 70 teachers as well as 7 teachers for the interview. It was found out that self-efficacy received the highest mean score (3.99), followed by professional growth (3.78). For the empowerment construct the data from the qualitative phase were in consistency with self-efficacy but not with decision making. Also, for the sub constructs of the classroom management construct unlike the qualitative data results the teaching learning dimension had the highest mean (64.42) closely followed by the personal dimension. The discipline dimension findings were consistent with the findings of the interview. Emergent themes in relation to teacher empowerment included setting the preferred teaching context and using preferred kind of medium/materials. Recurrent themes for the classroom management construct included making a good rapport as well as giving responsibilities to students.
Keywords: teacher quality, teacher success, teaching empowerment, classroom management, mega planning theory
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