International Association of Educators   |  ISSN: 1308-951X

International Journal of Research in Teacher Education 2015, Vol. 6(2) 11-25

The Explanation of The Academic Procrastination Behaviour of Pre-Service Teachers With Five Factor Personality Traits

Hakan Karatas & Mehtap Bademcioglu

Every views or download of this analysis belongs to a real person or device. Recurring entries via the same IP address are registered as a single visit.

  United States 144 231
  France 108 121
  India 15 22
Unknown 13 33
  Russian Federation 12 20
  Turkey 11 18
  Germany 10 14
  China 8 13
  Singapore 7 7
  Australia 6 9
  Korea, Republic of 5 5
  Thailand 4 5
  United Kingdom 3 7
  Serbia 3 3
  Slovakia 2 3
  Philippines 1 11
  Ecuador 1 1
  Spain 1 1
  Iran, Islamic Republic of 1 3
  Nigeria 1 1
  Ethiopia 1 1
  Indonesia 1 1
  Egypt 1 3
  Finland 1 1
  Europe 1 2
  Pakistan 1 3
  Sweden 1 1
  Ghana 1 1
  Belgium 1 1
  Greece 1 2
  Swaziland 0 1
  Brazil 0 2
  Ukraine 0 1
  Bahrain 0 1
  Malaysia 0 1
  Romania 0 2
  Mexico 0 1
Total 37 countries