International Association of Educators   |  ISSN: 1308-951X

International Journal of Research in Teacher Education 2010, Vol. 1(1) 42-51

The Effect of Worksheets Developed for the Subject of Chemical Compounds on Student Achievement and Permanent Learning


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  United States 235 360
  Indonesia 136 164
  France 120 136
  Turkey 31 51
  China 28 37
  India 23 38
Unknown 19 45
  Philippines 18 26
  Russian Federation 14 17
  Germany 9 18
  Singapore 8 8
Asia/Pacific Region 7 9
  Iran, Islamic Republic of 4 6
  Australia 3 4
  Korea, Republic of 3 3
  South Africa 2 2
  Europe 2 4
  Ethiopia 2 5
  United Kingdom 2 5
  Ukraine 2 2
  Malaysia 1 1
  Portugal 1 1
  Finland 1 1
  Sweden 1 1
  Egypt 1 1
  Nepal 1 1
  Lebanon 1 1
  Slovakia 1 2
  Israel 1 1
  Estonia 1 1
  Taiwan 1 2
  Tanzania, United Republic of 1 1
  Jordan 1 1
  Italy 1 1
  Romania 1 1
  Czechia 1 2
  Kyrgyzstan 1 1
  Jamaica 1 1
  Japan 0 1
  Poland 0 1
Unknown 0 1
  Nigeria 0 1
  Mexico 0 1
  Lao People's Democratic Republic 0 1
  Macedonia 0 1
  Brazil 0 1
  United Arab Emirates 0 1
  Kazakhstan 0 1
  Bangladesh 0 1
  Ghana 0 2
  Denmark 0 1
  Botswana 0 1
  Thailand 0 2
  Morocco 0 1
Total 54 countries