International Association of Educators   |  ISSN: 1308-951X

Original article | International Journal of Research in Teacher Education 2018, Vol. 9(3) 9-20

Affecting Factors of Job Satisfaction of B.Ed. CollegeTeacher Educators in West Bengal, India

Pranab Barman

pp. 9 - 20   |  Manu. Number: MANU-1806-16-0001

Published online: September 30, 2018  |   Number of Views: 156  |  Number of Download: 894


Job Satisfaction of employees of any organization is a key factor in the overall progress of that organization. That’s why many researchers has considered Job Satisfaction as one of the most important motivating factors which motivates employees to perform their job positively and increases the level of performance as well as their productivity. But it is not very easy to ensure Job Satisfaction of employees because it depends on so many factors. Through the present study an attempt has been made by the investigators to identify the different factors which affect directly or indirectly the level of Job Satisfaction/Dissatisfaction of Teacher Educators who are working in different types of B.Ed colleges in West Bengal. The investigators have used Descriptive Survey method for the present study. The sample consists of 150 Teacher Educators who are working in different Government-Aided and Self-Financed or Private-unaided B.Ed colleges in West Bengal. The random sampling technique has been used for the selection of sample. The investigators have developed a Rating Scale by themselves to identify the different factors which affect directly or indirectly the level of Job Satisfaction/Dissatisfaction of Teacher Educators. For the analysis of data Mean, Frequency and Percentage have been used by the investigators in the present study. The overall results of the study explore so many factors such as Individual or Personal Factors, Job related Factors and Institution related Factors which are responsible in determining the level of Job Satisfaction or Dissatisfaction of B.Ed College Teacher Educators in West Bengal.

Keywords: Affecting Factors, Job Satisfaction, Teacher Educators, B.Ed. College

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APA 6th edition
Barman, P. (2018). Affecting Factors of Job Satisfaction of B.Ed. CollegeTeacher Educators in West Bengal, India. International Journal of Research in Teacher Education, 9(3), 9-20.

Barman, P. (2018). Affecting Factors of Job Satisfaction of B.Ed. CollegeTeacher Educators in West Bengal, India. International Journal of Research in Teacher Education, 9(3), pp. 9-20.

Chicago 16th edition
Barman, Pranab (2018). "Affecting Factors of Job Satisfaction of B.Ed. CollegeTeacher Educators in West Bengal, India". International Journal of Research in Teacher Education 9 (3):9-20.

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