Original article | International Journal of Research in Teacher Education 2018, Vol. 9(2) 26-35
Nesrin Ozturk
pp. 26 - 35 | Manu. Number: MANU-1803-11-0001
Published online: June 29, 2018 | Number of Views: 535 | Number of Download: 1065
Teachers’ competency with or delivery of metacognition instruction may show variations. Although limited research offered pessimistic findings of classroom metacognition instruction, the factors have not been examined adequately. Therefore, this study examined a) the relation between teachers’ metacognitive awareness and teaching with metacognition and b) whether a professional development module of teaching metacognition might impact teaching with metacognition. Findings confirmed that metacognitive awareness and teaching with metacognition were correlated. However, a day-long module might not be sufficient to change practices of teaching with metacognition. It is, therefore, suggested teachers study metacognition explicitly and for prolonged periods.
Keywords: metacognitive awareness, teaching with metacognition, teaching for metacognition, teaching metacognitively, survey research
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