Original article | International Journal of Research in Teacher Education 2018, Vol. 9(1) 34-44
Wahyudi Wahyudi, St. Budi Waluya & Rochmad Rochmad
pp. 34 - 44 | Manu. Number: MANU-1801-12-0001
Published online: March 31, 2018 | Number of Views: 349 | Number of Download: 943
This article describes the ability of mathematical creative thinking and scaffolding process of pre-service teachers according to the learning styles. The research design used qualitative triangulation. The subject was 50 first year students of Elementary School Pre-service Teacher in Satya Wacana Christian University who were taking Basic Mathematics Concept course. Research data was taken through tests and interviews. The result of this study indicates that the subjects have different creative thinking abilities which were seen from their learning styles. Two aspects of them that were still low were flexibility and originality. The lack of love of mathematics was one of the reasons why mathematical creative thinking ability was still low. Scaffolding according to the subject's learning styles could improve the ability of mathematical creative thinking. The technique and duration of the scaffolding process depend on the learning styles and the subject's ability to follow the scaffolding process. The scaffolding process should be done according to the subject's response and needs according to their learning styles. Although they have different learning styles, scaffolding process can be done successfully with the use of media, either in the form of props and simulation drawings.
Keywords: creative thinking; scaffolding; mathematic; pre-service teacher
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APA 6th edition Harvard Chicago 16th edition |
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