Research article    |    Open Access
International Journal of Research in Teacher Education 2023, Vol. 14(3) 149-162

Early Childhood Educational Resources on ChatGPT: Review of Educational Blogs and Forums

Rahime Filiz Ağmaz

pp. 149 - 162   |  DOI:

Publish Date: September 29, 2023  |   Single/Total View: 105/446   |   Single/Total Download: 150/602


ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence model capable of generating dialogues and providing responses, emerged in the year 2022. Its introduction into usage sparked various discussions within the realm of education. This study aims to explore and analyze discussions surrounding the utilization of ChatGPT in pages that allow online content publication, such as blogs and websites, facilitating idea exchange on the same subject. Employing a netnographic approach with the inclusion of thematic analysis method ensures the comprehensiveness and reliability of the study. The focus of this research is directed towards the sharing of web page authors, and a sample of 59 web pages obtained from Google, Facebook, and Twitter searches constitutes the foundation of this investigation. Among these, four web pages pertaining to the preschool education domain were identified and subjected to an in-depth examination. Thematic analysis was employed for data analysis. The primary objective of the study is to elucidate the experiences and perspectives present in web pages, particularly concerning the potential applications of ChatGPT in preschool education. The research delves into notions concerning how ChatGPT can enrich the learning experience and be harnessed to support students. Furthermore, the study offers instances of how ChatGPT could be employed in the preschool context. The study also highlights ways in which educators and parents can employ ChatGPT to interact with their children and provide guidance during the preschool phase. The advantages of integrating ChatGPT into education, along with key considerations, are identified and illustrated with examples.

Keywords: blogging, ChatGPT, early childhood education

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APA 7th edition
Agmaz, R.F. (2023). Early Childhood Educational Resources on ChatGPT: Review of Educational Blogs and Forums. International Journal of Research in Teacher Education, 14(3), 149-162.

Agmaz, R. (2023). Early Childhood Educational Resources on ChatGPT: Review of Educational Blogs and Forums. International Journal of Research in Teacher Education, 14(3), pp. 149-162.

Chicago 16th edition
Agmaz, Rahime Filiz (2023). "Early Childhood Educational Resources on ChatGPT: Review of Educational Blogs and Forums". International Journal of Research in Teacher Education 14 (3):149-162.

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