Original article    |    Open Access
International Journal of Research in Teacher Education 2023, Vol. 14(3) 92-112

Empowering Children's Media Literacy in the YouTube Era: Insights into Critical Awareness

Tolga Kargın & Ramazan Demir

pp. 92 - 112   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijrte.2023.598.07

Publish Date: September 29, 2023  |   Number of Views: 455  |  Number of Download: 654


This study delves into the multifaceted realm of children's interaction with YouTube content, focusing on the development of media literacy skills. The increasing engagement of young YouTube users has prompted a comprehensive exploration of their viewing practices, perspectives, and understanding of the content they encounter. By analyzing student-teacher dialogues during the screening and discussion of various YouTube videos, this research provides insight into the extent to which children comprehend the messages and implications of the content they interact with. The findings highlight that children may not consistently recognize the underlying implicit messages within videos. Content producers skillfully embed these messages, underscoring the essential role of media literacy training in equipping users with the skills needed to navigate content more consciously. In this action research, a comprehensive media literacy educational module was developed and integrated into the student curriculum. The study employs pre-training and post-training analyses to assess the effectiveness of media literacy training in improving children's ability to identify objectionable content and foster critical evaluation skills. Fostering children's education and enhancing awareness of potentially harmful content are crucial for promoting safe and prudent online engagement. The study conclusively demonstrates the positive impact of media literacy training in cultivating children's awareness and encouraging thoughtful content consumption behaviors.

Keywords: Media literacy, elementary school, action research, YouTube

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APA 7th edition
Kargin, T., & Demir, R. (2023). Empowering Children's Media Literacy in the YouTube Era: Insights into Critical Awareness. International Journal of Research in Teacher Education, 14(3), 92-112. https://doi.org/10.29329/ijrte.2023.598.07

Kargin, T. and Demir, R. (2023). Empowering Children's Media Literacy in the YouTube Era: Insights into Critical Awareness. International Journal of Research in Teacher Education, 14(3), pp. 92-112.

Chicago 16th edition
Kargin, Tolga and Ramazan Demir (2023). "Empowering Children's Media Literacy in the YouTube Era: Insights into Critical Awareness". International Journal of Research in Teacher Education 14 (3):92-112. https://doi.org/10.29329/ijrte.2023.598.07


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