International Association of Educators   |  ISSN: 1308-951X

Original article | International Journal of Research in Teacher Education 2022, Vol. 13(3) 38-55

Experiences of In-service Teachers on Online In-Service Training during Pandemic Period

Hati̇ce Ci̇lsalar Sagnak, Gamze Kaya, Hali̇l Toker & Burak Alti̇ntas

pp. 38 - 55   |  Manu. Number: MANU-2204-11-0003

Published online: September 26, 2022  |   Number of Views: 104  |  Number of Download: 350


 With the pandemic, all teachers’ professional development programs suddenly moved to online platforms. Thus, this research aimed to determine how teachers’ online in-service training practices during the pandemic Covid-19 affect their technology integration indicators and technology integration self-efficacy. We conducted the study as a correlational design with the participation of 303 in-service teachers. As a result, male teachers have lower perceptions than female ones, while there is no significant difference between branches about online in-service training. Teachers working for over ten years and married ones are more willing to attend online in-service training activities.

Keywords: Professional development, online training, teacher education, technology integration, technology self-efficacy.

How to Cite this Article?

APA 6th edition
Sagnak, H.C., Kaya, G., Toker, H. & Alti̇ntas, B. (2022). Experiences of In-service Teachers on Online In-Service Training during Pandemic Period . International Journal of Research in Teacher Education, 13(3), 38-55.

Sagnak, H., Kaya, G., Toker, H. and Alti̇ntas, B. (2022). Experiences of In-service Teachers on Online In-Service Training during Pandemic Period . International Journal of Research in Teacher Education, 13(3), pp. 38-55.

Chicago 16th edition
Sagnak, Hati̇ce Ci̇lsalar, Gamze Kaya, Hali̇l Toker and Burak Alti̇ntas (2022). "Experiences of In-service Teachers on Online In-Service Training during Pandemic Period ". International Journal of Research in Teacher Education 13 (3):38-55.

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