International Association of Educators   |  ISSN: 1308-951X

Original article | International Journal of Research in Teacher Education 2022, Vol. 13(2) 37-44

Problems encountered with in the physiotherapy and rehabilitation course and solution recommendations

Serkan Yıldırım & Hafi̇ze Keser

pp. 37 - 44   |  Manu. Number: MANU-2207-01-0005.R1

Published online: June 30, 2022  |   Number of Views: 56  |  Number of Download: 387


It was designed in the case evaluation pattern included in the qualitative research tradition in order to determine the problems which the scholars serving in the physiotherapy and rehabilitation major program encounters in their courses and the solution recommendations related with these problems. Consisting the study group of in the scholars actively lecturing in Physiotherapy (PT) courses is very important with respect to determine the problems encountered with in the application process, not the problems possible to encountered with in the courses in the scope of physiotherapy and rehabilitation (PTR) program. Accordingly, the data related with the problems and the solution recommendations for these problems, which are experienced during this process by the lecturers, was taken through an open-ended questionnaire. The problems encountered by the lecturers serving in the PTR program, who participated in the research, in their classes and the solution recommendations related with these problems were determined by analyzing the answers they gave to the open-ended questions. It was found out as a result of the analyses made that the lecturers deal with the problems related with the courses in two subdimensions as the problems for the interaction in the learning environment and the problems experienced for the PT curriculum and contents and that they offer solution recommendations accordingly.

Keywords: physiotherapy and rehabilitation, physiotherapist training, learning and teaching environment, learning and teaching process, problems

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APA 6th edition
Yildirim, S. & Keser, H. (2022). Problems encountered with in the physiotherapy and rehabilitation course and solution recommendations . International Journal of Research in Teacher Education, 13(2), 37-44.

Yildirim, S. and Keser, H. (2022). Problems encountered with in the physiotherapy and rehabilitation course and solution recommendations . International Journal of Research in Teacher Education, 13(2), pp. 37-44.

Chicago 16th edition
Yildirim, Serkan and Hafi̇ze Keser (2022). "Problems encountered with in the physiotherapy and rehabilitation course and solution recommendations ". International Journal of Research in Teacher Education 13 (2):37-44.


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