International Association of Educators   |  ISSN: 1308-951X

Original article | International Journal of Research in Teacher Education 2020, Vol. 11(2) 61-77

Students’ Responsiveness to Peer-Led Team Learning and Its Contributing Factors in Bahr Dar and Gondar Universities

Ayetenew Abie

pp. 61 - 77   |  Manu. Number: ijrte.2020.005

Published online: June 30, 2020  |   Number of Views: 108  |  Number of Download: 505


This manuscript intended to investigate students' responsiveness to Peer Led Team Learning(PLTL) pedagogical initiative and its contributing factors in HEIs. The study employed mixed method  concurrent parallel design. 163 participants  fill in the questionnaire. Focus group discussion was done with PLTL group leaders. Interviews and field observation were also used for data collection. One sample t-test findings (mean of means 3.3742, mean difference -0.6258, P<.001)proved  all predictors and the DV illustrated statistically significant mean difference below the set test value(4.00)imply  the perceived practice status of variables were below expectation. ANOVA test did not demonstrate  significant difference of  student responsiveness to PLTL among departments. All involved predictor variables and the DV demonstrated statistically significant relationship or common variance(r>0.20)between predictors or between predictor and the DV. Independent sample t-test findings confirmed that there were no significant PLTL difference between male and female students; Bahrdar and Gondar universities; II and III year students. Stepwise regression demonstrated that 56.2 %  students' responsiveness to PLTL was explained by students' attitude, perception, modular instruction, PLTL outcomes and communal culture jointly by the model F(4,157)=52.517, P<.001. The univariate analysis of variance proved the interaction effect of covariates by university1and 2 on DV became significant and strong without significant difference of effect between the two universities. The qualitative data proved: CL/PLTL principles and pre, during and post instruction student roles are essential for successful implementation and goal achievement although their perceived practice statuses are below expectation. By implication, success on  change initiative rely on awareness, attitude,  practice and outcome, of the change agents or beneficiaries together with their understanding and practice of appropriate change management strategies, work culture and instructional model for achieving educational change initiatives like PLTL.

Keywords: organizational culture, Cooperative learning, peer led team learning, Bahr Dar university, Gondar university

How to Cite this Article?

APA 6th edition
Abie, A. (2020). Students’ Responsiveness to Peer-Led Team Learning and Its Contributing Factors in Bahr Dar and Gondar Universities . International Journal of Research in Teacher Education, 11(2), 61-77.

Abie, A. (2020). Students’ Responsiveness to Peer-Led Team Learning and Its Contributing Factors in Bahr Dar and Gondar Universities . International Journal of Research in Teacher Education, 11(2), pp. 61-77.

Chicago 16th edition
Abie, Ayetenew (2020). "Students’ Responsiveness to Peer-Led Team Learning and Its Contributing Factors in Bahr Dar and Gondar Universities ". International Journal of Research in Teacher Education 11 (2):61-77.

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