Original article | Open Access
International Journal of Research in Teacher Education 2018, Vol. 9(4) 25-35
pp. 25 - 35
Publish Date: December 23, 2018 | Number of Views: 2074 | Number of Download: 3683
The study aims to determine the changing perspective of teaching as a profession in the Philippine Context. To determine the changing perspective of teaching as a profession, the study employed a qualitative method utilizing 52 participants. The data were gathered using the open-ended questionnaire and focus group discussion protocols. Thematic analysis was used by the researchers to determine themes for the responses of the participants. Findings show that the majority of the teachers and retired teachers dreamed of becoming a teacher. They regarded teaching as a low-status profession before. However, today, they said that teaching can equally compare to other professions. Salaries and benefits are better than before. The community regarded it as the noble and dignified profession in the world. Furthermore, findings indicate that teaching is a female dominated profession. Along with this line, the study concludes that there is a notable change in the perceptions of teaching before and today. Teaching is more attractive today than before.
Keywords: Changing, Perspective, Teaching, Profession
APA 7th edition
Marpa, E., & Trinidad, C. (2018). The Changing Perspective of Teaching as a Profession. International Journal of Research in Teacher Education, 9(4), 25-35.
Marpa, E. and Trinidad, C. (2018). The Changing Perspective of Teaching as a Profession. International Journal of Research in Teacher Education, 9(4), pp. 25-35.
Chicago 16th edition
Marpa, Eliseo and Cynthia Trinidad (2018). "The Changing Perspective of Teaching as a Profession". International Journal of Research in Teacher Education 9 (4):25-35.
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