Original article | International Journal of Research in Teacher Education 2018, Vol. 9(3) 37-43
Rashmi Rekha Borah
pp. 37 - 43 | Manu. Number: MANU-1807-03-0001
Published online: September 30, 2018 | Number of Views: 94 | Number of Download: 897
The pupose of this paper is to highlight a framework for peer teaching and learning of English as a foreign language in engineering institute within India as English is not considered a core subject in the technical institutes .The students consider that their sole aim is to pass the final examination which leads to miserble failure in fetching a job for themselves.Large classrooms stand as a bottleneck in peer teaching.It could be overcome by a small size classroom where effective peer teaching possible will take place with minimum interferance from the teacher and learner autonomy.The teacher just needs to facilitate and engage the students in productive language learning process.
Keywords: Peer teaching, LS, ELT, peer tutoring, peer collaboration
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APA 6th edition Harvard Chicago 16th edition |
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