International Association of Educators   |  ISSN: 1308-951X

Original article | International Journal of Research in Teacher Education 2017, Vol. 8(3) 1-10

The Application of DDL for Teaching Preposition Collocations to Turkish EFL Learners

Ali Şükrü Özbay & Oğuzhan Olgun

pp. 1 - 10   |  Manu. Number: MANU-1712-13-0005

Published online: December 27, 2017  |   Number of Views: 267  |  Number of Download: 863


It is an old consensus by now that the presentation of corpus findings in the form of concordances in the language classroom may be an important factor for the EFL learners in their efforts to learn collocation of prepositions as part of their language instruction. It is also the case that corpus based materials may help learners to develop their competences in using prepositional collocations in different levels of language proficiency. Finally, evaluating the extent of correspondence between L1 and L2 in preposition collocations is a topic deserving immediate focus by the language researchers. For all the purposes stated above, this present study was done with 60 EFL students in Turkey who were chosen on convenience sampling methodology. After determining the participant students` language proficiencies through “English Unlimited Placement Test by Cambridge University Press” the participant students were randomly divided into two groups. A completion task including various preposition collocation exercises was delivered to students as a pre-test. In one group, the participants were given a traditional instruction on prepositions and their collocations. In the second group, a DDL instruction was done with the EFL students by using corpus concordances. Post-test was done again with the subject student in order to measure the effect of this interference. Paired samples t-test was applied in order to measure the possible effects of DDL in the learning of preposition collocations. The findings indicated that the use of preposition collocations varied depending on the language proficiency levels of the students of prepositions showed to be positively correlated with their levels of proficiency. Another finding was that L1 transfer problems regarding the preposition collocations were observed in the students` productions and exercises. 

Keywords: Data-driven Learning, concordance, collocation, prepositions

How to Cite this Article?

APA 6th edition
Ozbay, A.S. & Olgun, O. (2017). The Application of DDL for Teaching Preposition Collocations to Turkish EFL Learners. International Journal of Research in Teacher Education, 8(3), 1-10.

Ozbay, A. and Olgun, O. (2017). The Application of DDL for Teaching Preposition Collocations to Turkish EFL Learners. International Journal of Research in Teacher Education, 8(3), pp. 1-10.

Chicago 16th edition
Ozbay, Ali Sukru and Oguzhan Olgun (2017). "The Application of DDL for Teaching Preposition Collocations to Turkish EFL Learners". International Journal of Research in Teacher Education 8 (3):1-10.

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