International Association of Educators   |  ISSN: 1308-951X

Original article | International Journal of Research in Teacher Education 2023, Vol. 14(2) 1-18

Examining Perceptions of Turkish Language and Literature Teacher Candidates with Pedagogical Formation towards Drama Method

Ömer Tuğrul Kara

pp. 1 - 18   |  DOI:   |  Manu. Number: MANU-2305-27-0007.R1

Published online: June 27, 2023  |   Number of Views: 69  |  Number of Download: 369


The purpose of this research is to reveal the perceptions of Turkish language and literature teacher candidates, who receive pedagogical formation education at Çukurova University, about the drama method through metaphors. In the study, 146 Turkish language and literature teacher candidates who received pedagogical formation training at Çukurova University in the 2016-2017 academic year were asked to fill in the blanks in the sentence “Drama method is like … because …”. The data of the research was obtained with this questionnaire. Content analysis technique was used while analyzing the data. The metaphors obtained in the research are divided into different categories. The sub-classifications with the highest frequency in the findings of the study; drama reflects life, it has animations, that it is relaxing, that it provides knowledge and skills, and that it reveals creativity. As a result, it has been tried to obtain clues about how the drama method is perceived by the Turkish language and literature teacher candidates who received pedagogy education and how they will use this method in their professional life. In this context, it has been concluded that the perceptions of Turkish language and literature teacher candidates regarding the concept of "drama" varies.

Keywords: Drama method, pedagogical formation, metaphor, Çukurova University, Turkish language and literature teacher candidates

How to Cite this Article?

APA 6th edition
Kara, O.T. (2023). Examining Perceptions of Turkish Language and Literature Teacher Candidates with Pedagogical Formation towards Drama Method . International Journal of Research in Teacher Education, 14(2), 1-18. doi: 10.29329/ijrte.2023.566.1

Kara, O. (2023). Examining Perceptions of Turkish Language and Literature Teacher Candidates with Pedagogical Formation towards Drama Method . International Journal of Research in Teacher Education, 14(2), pp. 1-18.

Chicago 16th edition
Kara, Omer Tugrul (2023). "Examining Perceptions of Turkish Language and Literature Teacher Candidates with Pedagogical Formation towards Drama Method ". International Journal of Research in Teacher Education 14 (2):1-18. doi:10.29329/ijrte.2023.566.1.


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