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International Journal of Research in Teacher Education 2022, Vol. 13(4) 22-31

3-E Enjoy English Effectively Method: The Implementation of Active Learning and Computer Assisted Language Learning in a Secondary School as a New Blended Method

Tuğba Bademci Kaydet, Özgen Şahin Bektaş & Anda Dobromir

pp. 22 - 31

Publish Date: December 28, 2022  |   Number of Views: 395  |  Number of Download: 619


Attracting the attention of students in the 21st century is challenging as the students require to be more active in the learning process. For that reason, teachers should use more interesting methods and techniques to make the learning process more effective and enjoyable. With this aim, in this study, active learning and computer-assisted language learning in English language teaching lessons were used together to increase the academic success of students in English classes. The study lasted 8 months. The new method included 11 different activities.  60 4th and 5th-grade students participated in the study. They are willing and motivated to participate in the lesson. The research is mixed research which includes both qualitative and quantitative methods. While pre-speaking tests and post-speaking tests are quantitative methods, observation reports and satisfaction questionnaires were qualitative methods.  Initially, the English level of the students was A1 and at the end of the study, their English levels increased to A2. The data were collected through pre-speaking tests; post-speaking tests; a satisfaction questionnaire for the students Moreover, the researchers used the observation method to take notes of the feelings and behaviors of the students.  The researchers used a speaking rubric and observation report checklist to analyze the data. The results of the study showed that the method is effective for students in the learning process. It was observed that while learning English, the students were motivated and willing to learn as a result of the conducted activities. According to the results of the speaking exams, the students’ scores increased from 35 to 85. Moreover, students stated that they learned better by web 2.0 tools while doing activities during the lesson

Keywords: English language teaching, active learning, computer-assisted learning, computer-assisted language teaching

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APA 7th edition
Kaydet, T.B., Bektas, O.S., & Dobromir, A. (2022). 3-E Enjoy English Effectively Method: The Implementation of Active Learning and Computer Assisted Language Learning in a Secondary School as a New Blended Method. International Journal of Research in Teacher Education, 13(4), 22-31.

Kaydet, T., Bektas, O. and Dobromir, A. (2022). 3-E Enjoy English Effectively Method: The Implementation of Active Learning and Computer Assisted Language Learning in a Secondary School as a New Blended Method. International Journal of Research in Teacher Education, 13(4), pp. 22-31.

Chicago 16th edition
Kaydet, Tugba Bademci, Ozgen Sahin Bektas and Anda Dobromir (2022). "3-E Enjoy English Effectively Method: The Implementation of Active Learning and Computer Assisted Language Learning in a Secondary School as a New Blended Method". International Journal of Research in Teacher Education 13 (4):22-31.

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