Research article    |    Open Access
International Journal of Research in Teacher Education 2021, Vol. 12(1) 33-48

Burnout Experience of Secondary and Preparatory School Teachers in West Gojjam and Awi Zones in Amhara Regional State

Anteneh Wulolign Terfie, Solomon Adane Hailu, Solomon Kassie Alem

pp. 33 - 48

Publish Date: March 29, 2021  |   Single/Total View: 31/542   |   Single/Total Download: 50/1.023


The purpose of the study was to assess Burnout experience of secondary and preparatory school teachers in West Gojjam and Awi Zones in Amhara regional state. Participants of the study were selected by simple random sampling technique. The study employed cross-sectional survey design method to answer the proposed research objectives regarding burnout experience by secondary school and preparatory school teachers. The primary data collection tool for the study was questionnaire. The level of burnout was assessed using standardized questionnaire, and these standardized questionnaires were adopted from the original English version Maslch burnout inventory Human service Survey to assess the level of burnout. The descriptive statistics on the mean scores of the three dimensions of burnout indicated that teachers were experiencing high levels of burnout in all the three dimensions of burnout. The independent samples t-test result showed that there were no statistically significant differences between the two groups (male and female) in EE and PA burnout levels (t= 1.35, df = 286, p =.176 >.05) and (t= -1.007, df = 286, p =.315 >.05).

Keywords: Burnout, Experience, Secondary School, Preparatory School, Teachers

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APA 7th edition
Terfie, A.W., Hailu, S.A., & Alem, S.K. (2021). Burnout Experience of Secondary and Preparatory School Teachers in West Gojjam and Awi Zones in Amhara Regional State. International Journal of Research in Teacher Education, 12(1), 33-48.

Terfie, A., Hailu, S. and Alem, S. (2021). Burnout Experience of Secondary and Preparatory School Teachers in West Gojjam and Awi Zones in Amhara Regional State. International Journal of Research in Teacher Education, 12(1), pp. 33-48.

Chicago 16th edition
Terfie, Anteneh Wulolign, Solomon Adane Hailu and Solomon Kassie Alem (2021). "Burnout Experience of Secondary and Preparatory School Teachers in West Gojjam and Awi Zones in Amhara Regional State". International Journal of Research in Teacher Education 12 (1):33-48.