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International Journal of Research in Teacher Education 2016, Vol. 7(3) 28-43

A Research on the Effect of Emotional Intelligence Level on Conflict Management Skill

Metin Atak

pp. 28 - 43

Publish Date: September 01, 2016  |   Number of Views: 847  |  Number of Download: 1780


Emotional intelligence, defined as understanding, inspiring and managing others’s feelings and leading competence, capacity or skill, is a subject on which studies have been increased in recent years in terms of its effects on social and work life. Emotional intelligence, a deterministic skill in individuals’ social lives and their relations with others, consists of five skills as managing yourself, social competence, motivation, empathy and communication skill. Most of them are the ones which help someone manage conflict and use effectively for disagreements with others. From this point of view, in this study, the focus is to figure out whether the level of emotional intelligence is effective on managing conflicts which both create troubles owing to its results and is often experienced among people, groups and organizations. Conflict, occuring as a result of disharmony among people and groups in organizations requires individuals to have certain social skills so as to overcome because of its psychological body. Within this framework; in this study, the level of emotional intelligence is determined on people under research, and it is analysed to find out whether its sub-dimensions have any effects on conflict management. In this research, for evaluating emotional intelligence, emotional intelligence scale, prepared by Schutte et al. and for measuring the level of conflict management, Rahim Organizational Conflict Inventory-II scale have been used. The relation between emotional intelligence and conflict management has been found statistically significant. Results show that emotional intelligence level that people have is effectiive on conflict management skill.

Keywords: Emotional intelligence, conflict management.

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APA 7th edition
Atak, M. (2016). A Research on the Effect of Emotional Intelligence Level on Conflict Management Skill. International Journal of Research in Teacher Education, 7(3), 28-43.

Atak, M. (2016). A Research on the Effect of Emotional Intelligence Level on Conflict Management Skill. International Journal of Research in Teacher Education, 7(3), pp. 28-43.

Chicago 16th edition
Atak, Metin (2016). "A Research on the Effect of Emotional Intelligence Level on Conflict Management Skill". International Journal of Research in Teacher Education 7 (3):28-43.

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