International Association of Educators   |  ISSN: 1308-951X

Original article | International Journal of Research in Teacher Education 2020, Vol. 11(4) 110-126

Teaching between intellectual and moral. Perceptions of Romanian teachers

Roxana Ghiatau

pp. 110 - 126   |  Manu. Number: ijrte.2020.013

Published online: December 29, 2020  |   Number of Views: 68  |  Number of Download: 538


Teaching is a complex process integrating both intellectual and moral-civic goals. Even if theoretically these goals are of the same importance, practically intellectual aims seem to be a priority. The present study has two parts: a theoretical part and an empirical part. In the first part, we shall analyse the relationship between intellectual and moral in two areas of debate: at the level of the finalities of education and at the level of the teaching profession. In the second part of the study we shall present an empirical approach in which we shall investigate the perceptions of Romanian teachers on professional roles, focusing on the relationship between intellectual and moral-civic roles. The empirical purposes of our research are: 1. To investigate the perceptions of Romanian teachers on moral roles and intellectual/technical roles in the teaching profession; 2. To analyse the teachers’ perception upon the components of professionalism; 3. To draw comparisons between the perceptions according to 3 variables (position, didactic degree, teaching experience). The data was collected from a sample of 440 teachers. The research instrument was a questionnaire, designed specifically for this purpose. The results reveal several findings: 1. Romanian teachers attach the greatest importance to the perception on quality teaching; 2. teachers who teach in kindergarten and primary school perceive moral-civic values as more important than teachers who teach at middle school and high school; 3. senior teachers consider that loyalty to the institution is important to a higher degree than junior teachers. 

Keywords: moral aims, intellectual aims, teaching profession

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APA 6th edition
Ghiatau, R. (2020). Teaching between intellectual and moral. Perceptions of Romanian teachers . International Journal of Research in Teacher Education, 11(4), 110-126.

Ghiatau, R. (2020). Teaching between intellectual and moral. Perceptions of Romanian teachers . International Journal of Research in Teacher Education, 11(4), pp. 110-126.

Chicago 16th edition
Ghiatau, Roxana (2020). "Teaching between intellectual and moral. Perceptions of Romanian teachers ". International Journal of Research in Teacher Education 11 (4):110-126.


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