International Association of Educators   |  ISSN: 1308-951X

Original article | International Journal of Research in Teacher Education 2020, Vol. 11(4) 16-31

Teachers’ Research Undertaking in Higher Education: Perils and Promises to Success in Research Productivity

Endalew Fufa

pp. 16 - 31   |  Manu. Number: ijrte.2020.008

Published online: December 29, 2020  |   Number of Views: 65  |  Number of Download: 477


The purpose of the study was  to identify the extent of staff  involvement  in research, to underline the nature of communication among the existing staff through research (academic and administrative), and mark  the extent to which research serves the transformative vision vested in the Ethiopian   universities, in line with the higher education proclamation 650/2009.  A descriptive survey design was used in the research since the study focused on status analysis regarding research productivity. For the materialization of the research, data were collected from   teachers and   top administrative officials   who were concerned with research matters. The findings denoted that, though the staff had enormous research skills and considerably  long years of services, they did not produce research owing, largely, to lack of initiative at institutional level, heavy task-load to some extent, and lack of good incentives and initiation to the most. The research is expected to be significant for teachers and students in higher educational institutions in Ethiopia as it embarks upon the productivity of research as a innovative means. It also marks the way research resources must be utilized other than the ceremonial undertaking most institutions hold. So, it underlines the concern behind use of research resources to come up with fertile findings which an bring about workable achievements.


Keywords: Personal, Institutional, Determinants, Research Productivity, Higher Education

How to Cite this Article?

APA 6th edition
Fufa, E. (2020). Teachers’ Research Undertaking in Higher Education: Perils and Promises to Success in Research Productivity . International Journal of Research in Teacher Education, 11(4), 16-31.

Fufa, E. (2020). Teachers’ Research Undertaking in Higher Education: Perils and Promises to Success in Research Productivity . International Journal of Research in Teacher Education, 11(4), pp. 16-31.

Chicago 16th edition
Fufa, Endalew (2020). "Teachers’ Research Undertaking in Higher Education: Perils and Promises to Success in Research Productivity ". International Journal of Research in Teacher Education 11 (4):16-31.


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