Research article    |    Open Access
International Journal of Research in Teacher Education 2011, Vol. 3(2) 14-25

Prospective Primary School Teachers’ Perceptions of Rectangular Prism Through Models

Ömer F. ÇETİN, Arif DANE, Muzaffer OKUR, Mehmet BEKDEMİR, Fatih BAŞ, Oben KANBOLAT, & Meryem ÖZTURAN SAĞIRLI

pp. 14 - 25

Publish Date: June 01, 2012  |   Single/Total View: 151/718   |   Single/Total Download: 168/1.680


The purpose of this study is to reveal how prospective primary school math teachers perceive rectangular prisms through models. The survey model was employed for the study. The data were collected through the interviews protocol, consisting of four models and two open-ended questions concerning the models, with 113 students of Mathematics Teaching, the department of primary school teaching, the faculty of education at a university located in a middle-sized province in Eastern Anatolia, Turkey, during the Fall Term of the Educational Year 2010-2011. The data were descriptively analyzed. The findings suggest that most of the students are successful in naming the three models they frequently encounter in a proper way and explaining the characteristics and connections concerning the models but they are less successful in the model 'skeleton', which they rarely encounter. In this sense, it is recommended that the teaching process should include the 'skeletons' of geometrical objects.

Keywords: prospective teachers, rectangular prism, model

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APA 7th edition
CETIN, O.F., DANE, A., OKUR, M., BEKDEMIR, M., BAS, F., KANBOLAT, O., & SAGIRLI, M.O. (2011). Prospective Primary School Teachers’ Perceptions of Rectangular Prism Through Models. International Journal of Research in Teacher Education, 3(2), 14-25.

CETIN, O., DANE, A., OKUR, M., BEKDEMIR, M., BAS, F., KANBOLAT, O. and SAGIRLI, M. (2011). Prospective Primary School Teachers’ Perceptions of Rectangular Prism Through Models. International Journal of Research in Teacher Education, 3(2), pp. 14-25.

Chicago 16th edition
CETIN, Omer F., Arif DANE, Muzaffer OKUR, Mehmet BEKDEMIR, Fatih BAS, Oben KANBOLAT and Meryem OZTURAN SAGIRLI (2011). "Prospective Primary School Teachers’ Perceptions of Rectangular Prism Through Models". International Journal of Research in Teacher Education 3 (2):14-25.