International Association of Educators   |  ISSN: 1308-951X

Original article | International Journal of Research in Teacher Education 2019, Vol. 10(4) 50-67

Student Teachers' Views of Science Microteaching: Experiences, Abilities, and Reflective Feedback

Ayhan Cinici, Jazlin Ebenezer & Gülden Gürsoy

pp. 50 - 67   |  Manu. Number: MANU-1908-28-0002

Published online: December 31, 2019  |   Number of Views: 259  |  Number of Download: 1032


The aim of this qualitative case study was to investigate primary student teachers’ views of microteaching with respect to their experiences; development of teaching abilities; and mentors and peers’ feedbacks. Thirty-six student teachers participated in this study. They were equally divided into six heterogeneous groups with six in each group. Each group of student teachers performed three science microteaching cycles during a period of twelve weeks. Data sources consisted of student teachers’ reflective structured-journals and verbatim transcripts of semi-structured interviews. The student teachers took the feedback seriously and struggled to improve their teaching practices in subsequent microteaching sessions. Based on their reflections, student teachers stressed the critical role of receiving constructive feedback to improve their own science teaching and to become more reflective thinkers. On the other hand, most student teachers interestingly stated that there was no need to improve themselves in terms of the art of questioning and stressed that they felt completely at ease with it. They also regarded the skill of “measurement and evaluation” as less important than other teaching skills. However, fostering the skill of question-posing is considered very important for the development of high-order thinking skills. The possible reasons for this naïve perception were discussed.

Keywords: Feedback; Microteaching; Reflective practice, Reflective thinkers, Student teachers

How to Cite this Article?

APA 6th edition
Cinici, A., Ebenezer, J. & Gursoy, G. (2019). Student Teachers' Views of Science Microteaching: Experiences, Abilities, and Reflective Feedback . International Journal of Research in Teacher Education, 10(4), 50-67.

Cinici, A., Ebenezer, J. and Gursoy, G. (2019). Student Teachers' Views of Science Microteaching: Experiences, Abilities, and Reflective Feedback . International Journal of Research in Teacher Education, 10(4), pp. 50-67.

Chicago 16th edition
Cinici, Ayhan, Jazlin Ebenezer and Gulden Gursoy (2019). "Student Teachers' Views of Science Microteaching: Experiences, Abilities, and Reflective Feedback ". International Journal of Research in Teacher Education 10 (4):50-67.

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