International Association of Educators   |  ISSN: 1308-951X

Original article | International Journal of Research in Teacher Education 2010, Vol. 1(3) 25-31

Investigation of Effectiveness of the Pedagogical Education from Mathematics Teachers’ Perceptions

Mehmet F. ÖÇAL & Aziz GÜZEL

pp. 25 - 31   |  Manu. Number: ijrte.2010.015

Published online: June 01, 2010  |   Number of Views: 147  |  Number of Download: 697


The purpose of this study was to investigate how effective the pedagogical education was from the perception of mathematics teachers whose bachelor degree was from mathematics department of science faculty. For this purpose, as a sample, 15 mathematics teachers who had at least two year teaching experiences before taking pedagogical education were chosen with convenience sampling method. With the semi-structured interviews, their perceptions about special instructional techniques, developmental psychology, and curriculum development courses were gathered. In general, the results of this study revealed that teachers perceived that this education was required for all teacher candidates. On the other hand, it was found that there was a difficulty to apply what was learnt in these courses into practice in classroom environment due to various reasons. 

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How to Cite this Article?

APA 6th edition
OCAL, M.F. & GUZEL, A. (2010). Investigation of Effectiveness of the Pedagogical Education from Mathematics Teachers’ Perceptions. International Journal of Research in Teacher Education, 1(3), 25-31.

OCAL, M. and GUZEL, A. (2010). Investigation of Effectiveness of the Pedagogical Education from Mathematics Teachers’ Perceptions. International Journal of Research in Teacher Education, 1(3), pp. 25-31.

Chicago 16th edition
OCAL, Mehmet F. and Aziz GUZEL (2010). "Investigation of Effectiveness of the Pedagogical Education from Mathematics Teachers’ Perceptions". International Journal of Research in Teacher Education 1 (3):25-31.